Book Reviews

Who Am I
Eddie Walsh was fun as a kid but boy, he was hilarious as a teen. This novel was fun, I loved Eddie and his innocence, I loved his family, I laughed a lot. Yet, this novel is not only for fun, it actually explains the life of this boy and how he learned from his mistakes and from the advice of his parents, friends, the priest and relatives. I easily recommend this book and rating it with 5 stars, it was simply fantastic.
Nicholas Clark
Rating It With 5 Stars, It Was Simply FantasticIf you're interested to know how kids grew up in the 50s - 60s, this is the perfect book for you. Our main character is Eddie Walsh who feels he is the good boy and the favorite kid until he encounters with series of misfortunes that teach him about life and why was he favored as a small child. The author successfully described the time and the manners of the people and the reader can grasp the feeling of living, studying in a catolic school and be the oldest child. I recommend the novel.
I Recommend The Novel!Who am I is a story of a boy, Eddie Walsh, and how he grows to find himself through events, family and the people surrounding him. The author had created the main character immensely well. I wished I would hear more about Lennie, Eddie's brother, but after all it was Eddie's story. A five star novel in my opinion.
A Five Star Novel In My Opinion.I got this novel not knowing what to expect. After reading a bit I was glad I chose this book. It has a great plot, it moves in a perfect pace and Eddie Walsh is a character I won't forget. He was funny, responsible, had his flaws and had a golden heart. I was so surprised at his reaction when he found Hilda was pregnant... priceless, thoughtful and yet a bit funny for me. The book was a treasure.
It Has A Great Plot!This book was a great experience. The trip into Eddie's memories was a memorable and fascinating to read. The author has a great writing style, the setting and the plot were both absorbing. Eddie's story was believable and very, very enjoyable. Recommended!
Recommended!I read the book in one breath. I'm still wondering what happened to Eddie after he went to the navy? I would be very interested to read one more book about Eddie and his life in the Navy and to know if Teresa and him got married. I recommend the novel.
I Recommend The NovelEddie Walsh, it was great meeting you and experience your life through the pages. The plot felt real, the characters and setting were vividly described and developed. I will read more from the author in the future. A page turner, must read for those who like historical fiction.
A Page Turner, Must Read"Thank You, God, for not giving me anything I couldn’t handle… so far." is what Eddie says at the end. He did go through a lot, working at a young age, taking care of his brothers, being accused of sending him mom to hell, always trying to be the good Walsh kid, grief, all and more was surely too much. But that's how it was back then. This mixed with lots of fun moments, first love and just being a normal boy was exciting to read about.
Rey Maynard
That's How It Was Back Then...Who am I was a delight to read. Eddie was a fantastic character, all his memoirs and how he slowly realized the world around him, was as if you're watching a boy grow before your eyes. I liked the ending as well, it was powerful. I recommend this novel and I'm rating it well-deserved 5 stars.
Well-Deserved 5 StarsIt was a good story. Diving into Eddie's world was something special. From five year old to a man, all laid beautifully. I highly recommend this book for readers who enjoy a memoir type of fiction.
I Highly Recommend This Book!J. J. Zerr had written one fantastic novel about a boy growing in a time so different from what we know now. I liked reading about his life. The author captured the time and the religious part pretty well. Eddie was indeed piece of work, as it is said in the novel. I absolutely recommend this novel!
J. J. Zerr Had Written One Fantastic NovelEddie's story started pretty entertainingly but as I read I found the deeper meaning in the plot. As he was growing in age and as a person, he met many difficulties that made him who he is as a man. I liked how he found out that the woman/mama's job wasn't easy at all. The novel is entertaining, with some great childhood experiences and fun situations but also it has depth - it shows how a boy becomes a man and how everything has its mark on his psyche. I enjoyed it a lot and I would recommend it to anyone.
I Enjoyed It A Lot And I Would Recommend ItI laughed out loud at Eddie's reaction when he got punished by his mom, he was soo surprised and so used to being the "good kid" that this came to him as a big shock. Also, when his uncle Ed decided to teach him a lesson - it was a bit too rude in my opinion but I guess for those times it was kind of appropriate. The path of Eddie was engaging and I relished every page of it. I recommend.
I Relished Every Page Of This Book!For me, it was extremely interesting to read about the catholic school and overall life. I thought it was horrible, all those things about the discipline and the nuns... Anyway, reading about it made me realize that kids were still kids in this time period and no matter what was in school they continued to be normal kids with normal families. The book was very well put out, the pace was great and I felt like Eddie himself was telling me his life story, it felt realistic and very interesting.
Felt Realistic And Very InterestingSister Daniels was such a blessing for these kids. I could imagine her being the angel for them in this catholic school, especially with the Superior sister around. So many things that happened to Eddie were unfair; he had to cope with them alone at a very young age. His story was a delight to read through, it was well thought out and chronologically put, I didn't feel lost in the timeline, which happens in these kinds of novels, so that's a huge plus. The plot had all its ups and downs that kept me engaged till the end. I recommend it.
Ups And Downs That Kept Me Engaged Till The EndThis book got me hooked from the start. From the very first page, I dived into Eddie's world. The tale is told in first person and I loved this. The language is appropriate for the age of Eddie throughout the whole book, as he grows the voice changes and I felt as if I was next to him at all times. The author did a great job of describing the time period and the atmosphere. I simply enjoyed it and I recommend it!
I Simply Enjoyed It And I Recommend It!
Holy Crusade
I wasn't sure if I wanted to read a historical fiction novel, but I gave it a shot. I don't regret that decision - it was a well-written novel with a good plot and characters. I liked it and it even got me interested in this genre. I'm rating it with 5 stars because of that. I recommend.
Got Me Interested In This Genre!The book is engaging, no argument about that. The plot was twisted and it had adventure, love drama, and religious elements. I liked that, it fitted the historical period and the characters. What I found a little bit off was the pace - there were times when scenes were rushed, others when they drooled. Maybe it's just me... Besides that, I liked it, I think 4 stars are deserved.
Nicholas Clark
I Liked It, I Think 4 Stars Are DeservedIt took me several pages to be involved and several more to fall in love with this story. What I love about historical novels is that I can transfer to the period from the book and feel as if I lived that time. The novel Holy Crusade did its job - I did feel I was there! Because of this reason, I'm gladly clicking the 5-star button and recommend it
I'm Gladly Clicking The 5-Star Button!Holy Crusade was a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect to be thrilled by historical fiction, but with this one, it happened. The author has great storytelling skills. The main hero, Addison, and his crusade mates were all exciting to read about. I recommend the book!
I Recommend The Book!It would be a shame to rate this book less than 5 stars. The author's writing and the story were exhilarating. I read this book in one breath. It kept me on the edge, it made me laugh, it made me sad ... a whole roller coaster of emotions. I highly recommend it.
A Whole Roller Coaster Of EmotionsHistorical accuracy is entangled with a fictitious story and written enthralling - this is how I can describe Holy Crusade by J. J. Zerr. Addison's "trip " definitely wasn't an easy one, he struggled a lot and his heartache also didn't help him but yet he prevailed. A 5-star novel!
Kailyn Rush
A 5-Star Novel!Holy Crusade is an engrossing read. The very first scene shows us the main character's deep desire and sorrow. Addison Freeman's feelings, emotions, and actions felt believable and complex. I liked characters that stay with me long after I finished the book. I recommend this book if you like well-developed characters.
Well-Developed CharactersJ. J. Zerr is a new author to me and this is the first book I've read written by him. The start was good but I wanted to know more about how did Addison ask his father for permission to marry. I felt this part had a lot of potential. Anyway, besides this, I liked how the plot was moving and how it mixed adventure, religion, love, and duty. The novel is well written. I recommend it.
I Liked How The Plot Was MovingAn adventure that I'm glad I "lived" through Addison. The story just unravels itself in a fantastic way, diving you into the characters' minds and souls. Holy Crusade was a pleasure to read - the plot, the time, and the setting were all executed well. I liked it and would read more from this author.
Karen Dillon
Holy Crusade Was A Pleasure To Read!Nicely done novel with an interesting story. It started well but around the middle, I was a bit bored. Then out of nowhere, it got engaging again. It is a good novel for your spare time, I can recommend it.
Nicely Done Novel With An Interesting StoryOh wow, where should I start? As a person who's read maaany historical fiction novels and loves history, I can tell you that Holy Crusade is a must-read. From the beginning, the author absolutely immersed me in Addison's world. During his crusade, I was rooting for him and hoped everything will be okay in the end. It was exciting. The end - no spoilers - was a huge surprise.
The End - No Spoilers - Was A Huge Surprise.Holy Crusade was an incredible read. I loved the cover and the great photo on top of every chapter, but most of all I liked the plot. It has a good pace and a great storyline and it was exciting to turn the pages. All the crusaders had an important role and were perfectly shown. The main hero in this story, Addison, was very well developed and I felt I know the boy after finishing the novel. For me, it was like I had time traveled and I had this adventure with the crusaders. I recommend this amazing book.
I Recommend This Amazing Book.An interesting end to a very exciting story. The book Holy Crusade by J. J. Zerr was a delight to read. The author has done good research of the time and had written the book with accuracy. Personally, I found that the religious parts were pretty well described (I mean situations and the beliefs of the people). I enjoyed reading this novel, I will check more novels from this author. Well done!
Well Done!I recommend the Holy Crusade book. It was an adventure reading it, the crusade was full of surprises. Addison's struggles and desires were nicely written and emotional. This young, only eighteen-year-old boy, had to go through a lot but he managed to cope. The book was well done. For historical fiction lovers, it can make a perfect read.
Perfect Read For Historical Fiction Lovers
The Happy LIfe of Preston Katt
Eddie Walsh was fun as a kid but boy, he was hilarious as a teen. This novel was fun, I loved Eddie and his innocence, I loved his family, I laughed a lot. Yet, this novel is not only for fun, it actually explains the life of this boy and how he learned from his mistakes and from the advice of his parents, friends, the priest and relatives. I easily recommend this book and rating it with 5 stars, it was simply fantastic.
I Loved His Family, I Laughed A LotWho am I was a journey to read about. Eddie and his family did a strong impression on me. I'm not sure I liked Pop much...well, I didn't really like him. My favorite from Eddie's family was Uncle Ed, he was quite coll , shame he passed away. The whole story was nice and I liked getting to know Eddie. At times it dragged a bit and that's the reason I'm rating it 4 out of 5 stars.
At Times It Dragged A BitIf you're interested to know how kids grew up in the 50s - 60s, this is the perfect book for you. Our main character is Eddie Walsh who feels he is the good boy and the favorite kid until he encounters with series of misfortunes that teach him about life and why was he favored as a small child. The author successfully described the time and the manners of the people and the reader can grasp the feeling of living, studying in a Catholic school and be the oldest child. I recommend the novel.
I Recommend The NovelWho am I is a story of a boy, Eddie Walsh, and how he grows to find himself through events, family and the people surrounding him. The author had created the main character immensely well. I wished I would hear more about Lennie, Eddie's brother, but after all it was Eddie's story. A five star novel in my opinion.
A Five Star Novel In My Opinion!I got this novel not knowing what to expect. After reading a bit I was glad I chose this book. It has a great plot, it moves in a perfect pace and Eddie Walsh is a character I won't forget. He was funny, responsible, had his flaws and had a golden heart. I was so surprised at his reaction when he found Hilda was pregnant... priceless, thoughtful and yet a bit funny for me. The book was a treasure.
The Book Was A TreasureThe book was good and I liked it but it was a bit too detailed. What I mean to say is that the first 100 pages were great but after that I think there was a bit too much of fluff. No matter, I liked the story, it was interesting, the characters were believable and complex, the plot was well thought. I feel like it is between 4 and 5 stars, but it weighs more to the 4 so that would be my rating.
Danni Graham
I Feel Like It Is Between 4 And 5 StarsI read this book from J.J. Zerr and I can say that I will keep reading more from this author. I like the writing style, the plot was appealing, exciting. The characters were well developed. I liked the dialogue, it felt natural and exactly what would've been between seamen. Oveall, a good read, relatevly short and moving.
The Characters Were Well DevelopedShort novels filled with thrill and emotion. The crew of the Callahan and the ship itself was well described and the whole plot was well thought out. I like J.J. Zerr's books, have been reading several of them and I always enjoy his writing. Another 5 star book.
Another 5 Star BookThis short read was a delight to read. I enjoyed all, from the start till the end. The author immersed me into the life of Preston Katt and I was glad I read his story. I loved it and highly recommend it to all who'd like to enjoy a well written military/navy novella.
I Loved It And Highly Recommend ItThe Happy LIfe of Preston Katt by J. J. Zerr is a very interesting, very exciting story about sailors during the world war II. Katt is a enchanting character, the author had developed him very well. His feelings and fears were all described very well. His hardships were exciting to read. I liked the story, I recommend it.
His Hardships Were Exciting To ReadOh wow, where should I start? As a person who's read maaany historical fiction novels and loves history, I can tell you that Holy Crusade is a must-read. From the beginning, the author absolutely immersed me in Addison's world. During his crusade, I was rooting for him and hoped everything will be okay in the end. It was exciting. The end - no spoilers - was a huge surprise.
Nicholas Clark
The Novel Is Very CaptivatingA thrilling military fiction for sure. The story is well written and the author managed to convey so many emotions and events in such short novel. I'm interested to read more from J. J. Zerr, he definitely captured my attention.
'M Interested To Read More From J. J. ZerrAn interesting end to a very exciting story. The book Holy Crusade by J. J. Zerr was a delight to read. The author has done good research of the time and had written the book with accuracy. Personally, I found that the religious parts were pretty well described (I mean situations and the beliefs of the people). I enjoyed reading this novel, I will check more novels from this author. Well done!
I'm Giving It 5 Stars EasilyA book I read in one breath. The novella is more than engaging, it is a novel that kept me thinking about for days after I finished it. The setting and the characters are perfectly created and the historical accuracy is impressive. I highly recommend the novella, you need to read it.
I Highly Recommend The Novella, You Need To Read IA book I read in one breath. The novella is more than engaging, it is a novel that kept me thinking about for days after I finished it. The setting and the characters are perfectly created and the historical accuracy is impressive. I highly recommend the novella, you need to read it.
I Highly Recommend The Novella, You Need To Read II have read J. J. Zerr's Who am I book and I loved the story, so starting this read was an easy choice. Here the story is more serious and nostalgic, has a lot of depth. The World War II is a subject I was always interested in and this novella gave me a good idea of the life of a sailor in these horrible times. The main character is yet again one that I will remember. I recommend it with both hands.
I Recommend It With Both HandsPreston Katt is a fantastically drawn character. Experiencing his struggles in this novella was amazing. His emotions and doubts, the tension and the life as a navy were all described vividly and it was engrossing to read. I absolutely recommend this read to all who like the genre.
Recommend This Read To All Who Like The GenreThe book is well written and it's plot was complex and compelling. I would've put 5 stars but I felt like it was too short. I needed to know more about Preston Katt, I wanted to keep reading his story. This however means that I enjoyed the story and four stars is a must. I recommend it to the military historical fiction lovers, you won't regret reading it!
You Won't Regret Reading It!Preston goes to the navy to run away of his miserable life but there more struggles await him. He wants to avenge those who fell in Pearl Harbor, his fellow sail men. Battles await him, internal and external, but he is determined to succeed. A story with a lot of depth and a lot of emotion, a story I will keep in my digital library. I recommend.
I Will Keep This Book In My Digital LibraryA military historical fiction you need to read. The Happy LIfe of Preston Katt by J. J. Zerr is a short book but full with meaning. It was an interesting read. I recommend it.